Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No short cuts

Well, here I am... 33 and heavier than I'd like to be- by a lot! I spent the majority of my adult life in a terrible relationship in which I neglected my body and ate horribly (fast food, frozen dinners, junk food and soda were my four food groups). Obviously, this resulted in me getting bigger and bigger.
I've tried diet and exercise before. I trained to run a relay leg of the Detroit Marathon and ended up with shin splints after a few months. I tried running again about a year later with the same results. I started training last spring and fell and sprained my ankle which resulted in months of pain and cortisone shots.
So, I find myself injury free and motivated again. I'm going to keep trying until I succeed. Which is where this blog, and you, my lovely readers, come in. I started a training program about a month ago (Couch to 5k ) with the immediate goal to run the St. Patrick's Day 5k. I've also been cross training with spin class once a week and swimming once a week to work towards my ultimate goal of finishing a sprint triathalon in August. I need you all to help keep me accountable.
So far, its been going really well. Even though I missed a week being sick, I picked up right where I left off. If its cold and snowing, I still run (no treadmill or gym membership, so I run outside in the often frigid northern midwest weather). I would get injured before because I would try too much at once but the C25k interval schedule has really helped. Unless you've been sadly unfit and overweight you may not understand this, but this week (wk4) I had to run for 5 minutes without stopping. I didn't think I could do it. But I did! This program really gives me hope that I can achieve my goals, which is something that I haven't felt in decades.

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